Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am sure you, fellow reader, were as surprised as I was, when I went to write my weekly Friday blog and realized that BalTimore Bisk had posted prematurely. With that thought in mind, I thought I'd profile a couple "flip-flops."

Johnny Damon

The Yankees vs. Red Sox rivalry is one of the most heated and famed rivalry in any sport. In my mind, it is a close second to Calvert Hall vs. Loyola. Nevertheless, his move from Sox to Yanks was made even more dramatic when he was forced to lose the caveman look and shave his beard.

Brett Favre

Say what you want about Mr. Wrangler (jeans), but Favre is a helluva player. Granted he seems to love drama as much as the former cast of the Hills, but that guy can sling it like few others. After 16 seasons with the Packers, and a one season with the Jets, he suited up for the Vikings . It looks like his career is done, but with the lock-out looming, perhaps a year off is just what his old bones need in order to come back for "one more year."


A flip-flop with a bottle opener built in has to make any list of the best flip-flops of all-time.

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