The Terpensteins have one last chance in the regular season to take down a Top 25 team. Tonight, at 7:45PM, Maryland (18-10) takes on the 19th ranked North Carolina Tarheels (21-6). The Terps are riding a two-game win streak that entailed an impressive win over Florida State and the Tarheels are riding a gnarly 4 game breaker win streak that's going to be busted up by Turtle Beach. These young teenage mutant turtles will be out for Carolina Blue Blood. It's going to be a big one. Cawabunga Dude!
The Terps have caught some big wave win streaks often to be busted up by a dissapointing loss to a quality team. Within these games themselves, the Terps have found themselves on top of a heavy 8-12 foot/point lead against quality opponents often to only wreck and eat sand by the time the final buzzer sounds.
That being said, it's about time these young Terps get covered with some powerful mutagen goo to turn them into Terps ready for battle(a.k.a the rain storm known as the Selection Sunday Tsunami). Gary, dump yourself in this goo as well, and use your skills as the Sensei, to become Splinter for these mutated turtles. Rise up and defeat the Acc Malevolent Empire Superpower leaders - Krang (a.k.a Mike Krzyewski/Coach K-rang) and Shredder (a.k.a Roy Williams).
With a win against North Carolina, Miami, and Virginia to finish the season would put the terps at an impressive 21-10. And if the Terps win two games in the ACC tournament after that then I think these Terps will be packing their bags for the sweet land of 64. First things first, let's beat North Carolina. Hero's in Halfshell style - Terp power. Then when all is said and done - Enjoy a fine slice of pizza at Ratsies on the house. LETS GO TERPS! Get that big one tonight.
Coach Krang... brilliant. I'm submitting you for a Pulitzer.